This website is brought to you by the founder of LifeofChrist.com, a popular resource for studying the life, history, and teachings of Jesus Christ.
The purpose of BiblePilot.com is to present the Bible in a clear, easy-to-read style that's especially suitable for internet readers. The goal is to create a good general reference guide that uses content from the Bible as its primary source of information. The target audience is the average reader looking for more information about the Bible. You can find out more in the "About" page.
Current Material
Presently BiblePilot.com offers outlines and study material for the books of Luke, Romans, and Ecclesiastes. This material has been successfully used in adult Bible Classes of approximately 45 minutes in length.
BiblePilot.com is new, so there may be places where you encounter a technical error or see a misspelling. If you find any problems that need to be corrected, let us know by emailing Ken Palmer via KenP@LifeofChrist.com. Thanks.