Luke 5

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In Luke 5 Jesus calls the first disciples, 4 fishemen and a tax collector. He also heals a man with leprosy and a paralyzed man.

First Disciples

The first disciples that Jesus selected were four fishermen: Simon, Andrew, James, and John. Simon, who was later named Peter, and Andrew were brothers, as were James and John. These men were business partners (Luke 5:10).

In Luke 5:1-11, Jesus taught a crowd beside the Sea of Galilee from Simon’s boat. The men had fished all night to no avail, and were cleaning their nets (Luke 5:2, 5). After speaking, Jesus told Simon to go fishing. On faith, the men set out to fish again, and this time caught an astonishing number of fish. These four disciples left everything to follow Jesus (Luke 5:11).

Luke 5 Outline

Jesus calls 4 fishermen to be disciples
Miraculous catch of fish
Fishermen forsake all to follow Jesus
Jesus heals man with leprosy
Jesus touches man to heal leprosy
Jesus charges man to tell no-one about healing
News of this miracle draws crowds to Jesus
Jesus forgives and heals a paralyzed man
Paralyzed man lowered from roof to Jesus
Jesus forgives the man’s sins
Jesus heals man from his paralysis
Jesus calls Matthew (Levi) to be a disciple
Matthew leaves everything to follow Jesus
Matthew holds a great feast to honor Jesus
Jesus the Great Physician
Parables about old & new covenants

Miracles of Compassion

Compassion was a key facet of many miracles that Jesus performed. Jesus healed a man who suffered from leprosy in Luke 5:12-16. Leprosy is a debilitating disease that is externally manifested with scaly skin lesions. The Hebrews were commanded to avoid contact with those who suffered from leprosy (Leviticus 13).

In a gesture of compassion, Jesus touched the untouchable. The cure from this healing touch was immediate (Luke 5:13). The man went from being shunned by society to being touched by the Lord. Jesus charged the man to show himself to the priest. The ceremonial purification of the priests (Leviticus 14) fulfilled the requirements of the Old Law, and restored the man’s social and religious standing as an Israelite.

Fast Facts

  • Jesus had power to read the unspoken thoughts of men (Luke 5:22, John 2:25).
  • As a Jew, Matthew would have been hated for collecting taxes for Rome. Jesus' selection of Matthew reminds us that God does not show partiality (Acts 10:34).
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